
If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. - Ps. 37:23-24

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

A New Form of Leadership

Well, it's done. We talked and it wasn't bad! It helped that we kept the mood light. I said what I needed to, and wasn't even seen as the bad guy. Amazing. The other party is now aware of some things that (hopefully) will be dealt with. Praise God it went well.

This just makes me laugh. You know how there can be awkward times in life? Well, I think one of the most so is when you're out having a meal with a person of the opposite gender and the check comes. If you're just friends, it's fine. You look at each other and both say "seperate, please." But if there's an attraction, it becomes more complicated. The waitress is standing, looking at you, watching for any sign of an answer. Now me, I want to say "together" but don't want to make the guy feel like he has to pay. What I don't understand is why the waitress asks me this question. Isn't the guy the leader? Why doesn't she ask him? New procedure for all waiters! Ask the male if the checks are seperate or together! Let him be responsible and take even that small role of leadership. If he's not interested in the girl, he can always say, "seperate" and it's fine. If he says, "together" than the girl knows he is a guy who will take care of her, should their friendship move to a more intimate level.

For any guys reading this, please speak up first when the waiter asks how the checks should be divided. Don't let your girl friend be the one who has to decide. Or, talk with her beforehand about who will pay. Lol... it makes for a funny moment, but honestly, it can be avoided.

Ah, the pleasures of mixed company...


  • At 2:25 PM, September 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cherise, I found this page from your sis's site...looks like it has a lot of dust on it. :)

    Yes, that can be quite an awkward moment. For a guy's P.O.V., it's even more awkward if the D.T.R. talk has not occured. As a general rule, if it's last minute and the bill was not discussed beforehand, it's just kind and considerate for the guy to pay (even if they are only friends). How else can we practice being gentlemen?


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