
If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. - Ps. 37:23-24

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Tainted Life

One of the greatest joys in my life is serving others. I think my strongest love language is Gift Giving, and I have been told I am good at it. I find great satisfaction in knowing that I have helped to make another person happy. To see a smile come on their face, a tear drop, or hear a "thank you" brings such a blessing. When I think about how I can encourage others, it distracts me from myself and allows me to think like differently. Christ lived not for himself, but for others. His cousin had just been beheaded and he was grieving, but when he saw the crowds of hurting people he had compassion on them. He went to them, even though he himself was hurting. My desire is to show the same self-sacrifice Christ displayed. Though my death will not save the world from sin, I pray I may die daily, to save even one. The hardest times to be faithful is not when the spotlight is on; it's when there is no spotlight, no encouragement, no fellowship. It's when there is no great task before you, no amazing mission to complete, no challenge to overcome. It is how one lives in the drudgery of life that proclaims Christ the most. A friend once said that she would rather have hard times, because she is closer to God during that time. True, trials and tribulations do bring us closer to Christ. But what about when everything is coasting along at 55 mph? No incredible inspirations. No horrible tragedies. How do I live? What does it really mean to live for Christ in the private moments, after a day's work? If Jesus were to return to human form, how would He mentor me? Would He teach me how I could better use my time? Would He show me how to deny myself, even when I "earn" a break? In the past, I have wondered what it would be like to have Jesus right here by my side. I wanted Him to come down so I could have a physical example of how to live. But He has already shown me. "Now faith is being... certain of what we do not see." (Heb. 11:1) My relationship with God Almighty is dependent on my level of trust in him. Which is dependent on my faith. He's given me faith, given me grace. But like so many of my human counterparts, pride stands up and demands that I not accept a "gift", but desires to work for it. Haha... that's about the stupidest piece of logic I have ever heard. How could I possibly EARN the grace God's given me? Such is the tainted life. In the end, I desire to serve others, knowing that I am serving God. As a result, I hope to know more clearly what it means to live for Christ in every moment.


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