
If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. - Ps. 37:23-24

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Return of the King

I am so bored. Actually the definition of bored is: To make a hole in or through, with or as if with a drill... wait, wait. Ah, okay, here we go: To make weary by being dull, repetitive, or tedious; tired of the world. So, I guess I'm not really bored. I'm tired. I'm anxious about the next thing. I lack interest in where I am now. *sigh*

Although my life is pretty repetitive. But I like routine. I like knowing what to expect. My boredom comes when a) I am not interested in what's currently taking place or b) would rather skip over something to reach another place. Get up, go to work, go home, eat, TV/read, go to sleep. Get up, go to work, go home, eat, TV/read, go to sleep. Monotony can eat away at your soul. Did you know that?? Thankfully, God has rescued me from too much of it. I still have friends to hang out with on weekends. It's funny, I look up at this wall calender I have in my office and can see different things... The week in August when I went to Michigan... The Labor Day holiday that I used to sleep late... The long weekends I took home... My birthday... and the upcoming Christmas break. But if you were to ask me what I've done with my free time? All I could really say is that I've spent a lot of time getting to know people. I went to Song of Solomon in October. And I've been to a couple hockey games. I threw a surprise party for my brother. I've hosted several dinners. I helped plan a Christmas party. I've been to Wal-Mart. But where is my time spent, really? Are the people I'm spending time with worth it? I readily shout YES! People are worth more than a 6-figure paycheck. While my paycheck isn't quite 6-figures... Anyway, every now and then I have a night like last night. Totally just going along, not expecting anything major. When a friend needs to talk. When I can listen and maybe help them look to Jesus for the answers. I am not always successful, but my heart always cries on their behalf. Sometimes it's a "minor" problem, like a test or car trouble. Other times it's something deep and painful. But whatever the situation, I love those God has given to me. And for as long as I am able, I will love them. I will love them by listening. I will love them by trying to understand. I will love them by interceeding for them. (which, btw, means to have God's perspective on the situation) I often fail to love like I should, but the times when I know I have been obedient to God's command... Those are the most fulfilling moments of my life. No, the person may never actually come out of their cloud, but I have done my part. And I pray I always do my part. May my pride and selfishness never stand in the way of ministry. Like Samuel said when Israel had disobeyed God by demanding a king, "Far be it from me that I should fail to pray for you." Even if someone does not take my advice, if they are disobedient to God, if they continue in sin, my duty is to love and pray for them.

My boredom is almost ended. The next thing is fairly near. But I think my boredom arises because I am thinking about me. If I took this time to interceed for my brothers and sisters, I would not be bored. Hm.

Ok, if I was able to get Hello, I would put a picture here. It's a picture of Legolas and Aragorn, looking out over... looking out from one of the Towers. (from ROTK) Both of them are looking off into the distance, trying to see what is coming. Legolas is intent on focusing on the enclosing enemy. Aragorn sees something off to the left a bit. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. (Is. 43:19) God is doing a new thing. All around me! Am I looking for that, or am I too distracted by what's in front of me. I admire Legolas' endurance. He is so steady on his task. He follows the leader, wherever it takes him. He knows what needs to be done and shows no fear. Aragorn, too, has my admiration. He is a strong leader, unsure at times, but leads on in faith. He, too, shows no weakening of heart. These fictional men show such bravery and dedication. Why can't I follow God in this way? I think it's time to search the horizon for what God is doing. Keeping alert for God is never boring.


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