
If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. - Ps. 37:23-24

Monday, September 25, 2006

For Bekah

Some highlights of my trip:
-17+ hours driving since Thursday afternoon
-Nursing homes & the unique individuals who live there (namely a Dutch woman who had a crush on my grandpa and told us all she was German and said some things only an old woman can get away with saying!! But also talking about cremation with a bunch of senior citizens - that's never happened to me before, either)
-spending time with my 101 yr old great aunt
-going to Chocolate World!! (yes, there is still chocolate left. Did you know they now have strawberry Whoppers??)
-yard saleing w/ Grandma, and bought a Sega Genesis + 13 games for $5!!
-watched 4 episodes of CSI. Only one episode left and I'll be finished with season 2
-went to bed by 10 every night
-no internet from Thursday 4pm to Sunday 3:30pm. agh!!! Hello, my name is Cherise and I am addicted to email and xanga.
-was able to stop in MD on my home yesterday to visit my family! We talked, Mom made pizza... it was so nice to see them for a few hours
-Beth is gone! I just hope she's enjoying herself out in California... and she'd better bring me back some pictures and maybe some sand or shells or sun or something equally cool...

Blogger takes forever to load!! But keep reminded me to update and I will. :)

For Bekah

You know you're bored when...
A zillion answers to questions about someone you really don't know (that would be me)

[Relationship Status] - Unattached
[Parents still together] - yes
[Siblings] - 3
[pets] - none

[Color] - fall leaves, green grass, blue sky!
[Number] - 32
[Animal] - tigers are awesome
[Book] - unknown
[Flower] - I'm a classic girl - I like roses

[Twirl your hair?] - sometimes
[Have tattoos?] - no
[Cheat on tests?] - no
[Like roller coasters?] - yes
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] - at times
[Like cleaning?] - always!
[Write in cursive or print?] - I have a unique blend of both
[Know how to drive?] - very well, thank you
[Own a cell phone?] - yes!
[Ever get off the internet?] - haha.... I do sleep sometimes

[been in a fist fight?] - no
[considered a life of crime?]- no - unless it's a life solving crime
[Considered being a hooker?] - HA. no
[Been in love?] - no
[Made out with JUST a friend?] - no - not even with a boyfriend
[Been in lust?] - once or twice
[Current clothing]- black slacks, pink top booor-ring
[Current hair] - the same ones I've had for a while now - curly, back in a low ponytail
[Current thing I ought to be doing]- nothing really
[currently playing] - lol - My Beautiful Woman by the BSB (I tell you, this song has song a unique sound to it!)
[Last movie you saw] - Inside Man (really enjoyed the movie, even though the ending was anti-climatic)
[Last thing you ate] - trail mix
[Believe there is life on other planets?] no
[Read the newspaper?] - no. Just internet news
[Hate yourself?] - no
[Collect anything?] - no kidding! I collect keychains, too... but I've only got about a dozen. I started late and haven't travel much since, haha.
[Like your handwriting?] - uh.... no.

[First crush] - Matthew Allison - 5th grade. Aw, retainer and all... hehe
[you believe in love at first sight?] - nope, infatuation at first sight, though
[you believe in "the one?"] - I believe there's "one" we marry, but God gives us options
[Are you a tease?] - yes, I think at times I am, unfortunately. I don't even realize.
[Too shy to make the first move?]- um... mostly, yes

[A Daydreamer] - not usually
[Sarcastic] - yes
[shy] - depends on the situation
[Talkative]- haha... not unless I'm typing!

[Pierce your nose or lip?] - nose
[Be serious or funny?] - funny
[Simple or complicated?]- I'd love to be simple, but it seems most of the time I'm too complicated to understand... such is the way of a woman, I suppose


[Nickname] - Ricee (newly acquired), Ceese, Reese, CC, hey you

[Where do you want to live] - America
[How many kids do you want] - 3-5
[What kind of job do you want] - fast-paced, helpful, detailed
[Do you want to get married] - without a doubtUNIQUE..
[Nervous Habits] - playing with my hands, bouncing my leg, looking around, saying dumb stuff
[Are you double jointed] - no
[Eyebrow] - what?
[Can you cross your eyes] - yes
[Do you make your bed daily] - most of the time!

[Which shoe goes on first] - wow, I've never thought about it before... it varies, I think
[Ever thrown one at someone] - lol. no. watch out, Linda! Maybe I'll try this!
[How Much money do you carry in your wallet] - about 3 cents right now. It's all about the plastic.

Today Have You...
[Bought something] - yes - westerns by Stephen Bly from Amazon for my dad's upcoming birthday
[Gotten sick] - no
[Sang] - in my head...
[Felt stupid] - it's a daily event
[Missed someone] - yes
[Gotten drunk] - no
[Gotten high] - not today, sorry lol
[Danced crazy] - no
[Gotten your hair cut] - no
[Watched cartoons] - no
[Lied] - mmm... I don't think so

[Slept in your bed] - ME hello, what kind of girl do you think I am??
[Saw you cry] - probably my brother... after the break up...
[Made you cry] - truly? lol. Click. lol. Terrible movie. But it had a couple really super sweet scenes.
[Saw a movie with you]- Josh! (my brother)
[Said 'I love you' to you] - My sister Amanda (hi babe!)

[Been to California] - yes!
[Been to Europe] - some day
[Wished you were the opposite sex] - good gracious, no! Being a girl is tough, but I do not envy you guys at all

1. Honestly, are you in love right now? no
2. Honestly, whats on your mind right now? DELETED the last question - yep, really inappropriate, but it's gone now!
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? typing and renumbering this list, lol
4. Honestly, what did you do today? duh.... emailed a lot No, I put out some invoices and did some data entry
5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive? I'll take other people's word for it, yes
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? yes
7. Honestly, do you watch disney channel? no
8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? only BETH who gets to go to California for a week!
9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? spending time with good friends
10. Honestly, do you bite your nails? no way. never have, never will.
11. Honestly, what is your mood right now? anxious - I'm ready to leave work and be outside
12. Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment? someone who is not here, obviously
13. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret? hm.... nothing dark... oh well, maybe... um, no.
14. Honestly, do you hate someone right now? no
15. Honestly, are you in denial? I wondered what happened to those questions... now they'll never be missed... am I in denial? About what? I thought I was in Virginia
16. Honestly, do you like someone? yes (girls, no comments please! )
17. Honestly, does anyone like you? um, yes.... too many to count it seems, haha.
18. Honestly, is it going anywhere with them? no comment.
19. Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly? yes - with the exception of #'s 12, 15 and 18

[] I still play w/ Barbies.
[] I still watch cartoons on Saturdays.
[]I eat Lucky Charms.
[]I go trick or treating.
[] I've taken a bubble bath in the last month.
[] I have water balloon fights with my friends.
[] I still believe in Santa
[] Mommys still the coolest person ever
[] I sleep till noon.
[] I still pass out little Valentines day cards on Valentines Day.[depends on the boy/girl] The boy/girl that sits next to me is cute.
[X] I still drink apple juice.
[] I sleep in my mom/dads room when I get scared.
[] There are monsters in my closet.
[] I can't sleep with the lights off
[X] I can't sleep with the lights on
[] I still like piggy back rides.
[X] Boys/girls still make me giggle.
[] Boys/girls still have cooties

B - BEST FRIENDS: a few... Beth, Linda, and Sheila have been so awesome
C - CRUSH: lol... stupid question? Yes, I have a crush... or two or three....
D - DADS NAME: Randy
F - FAVORITE BAND/ARTIST: wow... um... Avalon. I'll just end it there.
G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS: worms cuz I can tear 'em apart! haha
H - HOMETOWN: Millersville, MD
I - INSTRUMENT: very little piano
K - KIDS: love the babies! older ones are cool as long as they respect authority...
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: in one sitting? probably driving out to Yellowstone with my family years ago. It was fun!!
M - MILK FLAVOR: Chocolate
N- NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 3 - I already told you!!
O - ONE THING YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: I'm good at keeping an even approach to life
P - PHOBIAS: none!
Q- FAVORITE QUOTE: Lo, I am with you always - even to the end of the age.
R - REASON TO SMILE: being outside!
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: lol... what stupid BSB song? lol... actually, yes, that stupid BSB song My Beautiful Woman (wasn't this question already asked?)
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 5:08am
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: If we're confessing, then let me tell about the time I called my crush a half dozen times and hung up when someone answered! wow, was I ever the rebel!
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: spinach - ech
W- WORST HABITS: chatting online too late
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: teeth, left broken wrist
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius

****Everyone has their firsts...****
First real best: wow, is this thing over yet??? best what?
First cellphone: Nokia something... I dont remember
First pet: Skitter - the farm cat
First piercing/tattoo: ears last year - yup - only for you, Corbie. First big trip: all grown-up - road trip w/ Sheila!!
First flight: I think Denver, COFirst Celebrity Love: Aww.... Jonathan Taylor Thomas from Home Improvement!
First time out of the country: New Zealand & Australia... if we're getting technical, then Tihiti where we stopped to re-fuel
First job: babysitting

okay, finally. we're done.