
If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. - Ps. 37:23-24

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Where has the time gone???

The past few weeks have been busy, relaxing, fun, exciting, slow, and strange. But mainly it's all a blur. Especially the last week! I won't bore you with the details, but I haven't gotten more than 6 hours of sleep since Friday. I'm misreading things, getting confused easily, and losing my mind. But it's been a terrific week. My family came to visit Monday - Wednesday. Even though I only saw them for a few hours, it was nice to know that they were here! Tuesday night they got to meet Josh's girlfriend Kat, my new roommate, one of my good friends, and a friend of Hans'. It was quite a night. God was so good to me that evening, as He provided energy, patience, energy, and joy for my weary body & mind. He has been protecting me as I drive, watching over my mouth, and reminding me of truth all this week. It's so easy to turn mean and selfish and rude when you're this tired. Amanda wrote me a note when she left, and in it she thanked me (as always!) for being a good sister, mentioning that I even though I was tired, I wasn't grumpy or mean. I hadn't really thought about it before... but she's right. I haven't been in a bad mood. Boy this post is really boring me right now, though, lol. Sorry Bex!!! Just go visit my xanga and read that - it's way more interesting!! Cherise - Over and Out.



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