
If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. - Ps. 37:23-24

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Who do you think will leave?

Monday, February 19, 2007

American Idol

With the announcement of the top 24, I feel inclined to post a little something about my favorites... I have to make this disclaimer, though: My opinions are based on the limited airtime for each contestant! (for a more informed opinion, please come back and see my review after their performances next week)

Blake Lewis. He is so fun to watch and I am excited about hearing him do some singing (though his beatboppin' is Sweet)!

Nicolas Pedro's sweet and earnest spirit stood out during the auditions - He is one of many repeat auditioners. Last season he was cut in Hollywood week. Hopefully he has grown as a singer and will stick around for a while.

Sanjaya Malakar is this season's sweetie! (and another one of a kind contestant) The moment his face hit the screen, I knew he would make it! Look at that smile - come on. This kid has a heart of gold and a set of pipes that could power him into the top 10.

Paul Kim is one of a kind! I can't recall there ever being an asian male that stuck around very long... am I wrong?? I haven't heard him sing, but look forward to. If he sings barefoot, he must be a very chill kinda guy.

Rudy Cardenas caught my attention (and Paula's!) during his audition. Simon turned him down, but Paula and Randy sent him through... I don't think Rudy will be crowned king, but has a nice enough voice and personality.

Amy Krebs. Though I've never seen or heard her, I liked her interview questions... that's all.

Ah, Gina Glocksen. Another season 5 reject, she makes it to the finals this year. Will she suffer from the fate of Melissa McGhee?? (one of my favorites, with a smokey voice who was cut early)

Melinda Doolittle rocks. Wait till you hear her!!

Brandon Rogers, Chris Sligh, Sundance Head and Lakisha Jones are sure to be around for a long time. So I didn't feel the need to mention them.

Leslie Hunt, AJ Tabaldo, Nicole Tranquillo, Alaina Alexander, Chris Richardson and Jared Cotter will probably be leaving us soon. While Antonella Barba, Jordin Sparks, Haley Scarnato, Phil Stacey, Sabrina Sloan and Stephanie Edwards may last a bit longer.

Let the competition begin!! Be sure to watch American Idol:
Tuesday (8-10 ET) -- The Top 12 Boys perform
Wednesday (8-10 ET) -- The Top 12 Girls perform
Thursday (8-9 ET)-- The First Live Results Show

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Funny thing happened the other day...

So I was debating whether or not to post this event, but considering it's so rare and that I had little idea of how to respond, well... Maybe you have some advice (or similar stories) to share.

Yesterday afternoon I was making the long trek down to the mailroom to drop off a package. Two people were having a conversation; I had to pass between them. As I passed, the man said hi really loud. The woman nodded and smiled. I smiled and said hello. On my return trek, they were still talking, but this time nothing was said. I went back to my office and settled in for a short afternoon. About 20 minutes later, I hear someone coming down the hall. Then I hear a man's voice say, "Hey, good looking." I jerk my head to the doorway in time to see the same man going by my office... is he talking to me? how do I respond? I was slightly offended by his greeting and the first thing in my head was Sexual harassment?? I broke out of my stunned (and probably pretty confused) stare enough to say hey. Thankfully by then he had gone on into someone else's office.


This obviously caught me off-guard since people (especially men) don't usually greet me with a hey, good looking... Isn't that line reserved for movies, clubs, and definitely NOT for the workplace??